Rich & Katy's Wedding

Things to do near Alnwick

Planning to stay in and around Alnwick for the whole weekend, or perhaps the week and looking for things to do? We've a few suggestions from our last trip below:

Alnwick Castle
Although the Garden will be available throughout the wedding for guests to visit and enjoy (including exclusive access after hours), the Castle on the same site is a separate attraction. For those who have watched the Harry Potter films, you may recognise the Castle!
puffins on the farne islands
Seahouses & The Farne Islands
Seahouses is a lovely little coastal town (with some excellent fish and chips!) which is worth a visit on its own, but if you do visit then we highly recommend making a trip out to the Farne Islands.
Out on the Islands, you can see a whole range of wild birds including puffins and cormorants, along with seals and if you're very lucky, dolphins!
Depending on the seas and the status of the Islands at the time, it may be possible to spend some time on one of the Islands and get up close with the birds - for this, you'll need to visit the National Trust stall on the front and buy a ticket to get on, on top of the boat trip. It does add to the cost, but we can't recommend it highly enough if you like wildlife.

We used Billy Shiel's Boat Trips on our last visit and they were superb. There are a handful of companies that run regular trips out from Seahouses around and up to the Islands, so if Billy Shiel's can't accommodate you then give them a go.

Another small coastal town, Bamburgh plays host to another Castle, built some time during the Anglo Saxon reign. A short drive up the coast, definitely one for history buffs. As well as the castle, you'll find a lovely sandy beach, from where you can see the Farne Islands.

Holy Island
A little further afield, the famous Holy Island of Lindisfarne is another Island Nature Reserve accessible to the public, but onyl at certain times! At low tide, the causeway is useable to get across, but time it wrong and you'll be stranded.